Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Hits and Books

Excitement ensues in the KFC household. Suddenly my hits have doubled in a week. No, this isn't a reference to the battering received from a disgruntled wife, rather the number of people who have looked at the web site. But what brought this sudden wave of interest? It seems that a link to my site has been added to modestclothes.com. I now have a new mission (dives into the nearest phone-box twirls around a few times and emerges wearing a spandex super mission man suit). We have to go where no other KFC website has been before. To scour the net in search for other link possibilities.

Other amazing developments are in the pipeline. We have a new addition to the family just around the corner. In a quest to use every letter of the alphabet we are proud to introduce KFB - Kosher For Books. All we need now is to sell Apples or Ants and we would be KFA, KFB and KFC. Hmm, thinks D, E F...

I have just come back from a cold meeting with Rabbi Singer. That is temperature cold, not lacking emotion. There is no heating in his storage room where the books are currently kept. We are merging KFC with Aleph Books to put their catalogue on-line. Initially it will be a department within our site. So you can buy your skirts along side a cookery book (Jewish Holiday Cooking anyone?). Don't let anyone say that we are not a leader of fashion. If you can buy books with a cuppa then why not books with a t-shirt?

1 comment:

  1. This sounds fascinating. I'm looking forward to browsing the book catalogue. Not living near a plethora of Kosher shops like yourself it'll be a treat... but not such a treat as seeing you twirl in a phone box and emerge in spandex. The mind boggles.
